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Missing Pieces: 11 are found!

April T Giauque MS Ed

A few days ago I wrote this quick post: Sometimes our trials help us to dig down and find that grit we never knew we had, and at the same time they remind us to look over to our right and see who we are yoked with....He's got our backs. I need to trust in where he leads me.

In writing that, I have honestly been looking over my shoulder at the Savior and where He is leading me. I have noticed that over the past two days He has asked me to look at my blessings in the trials that I am in. I started making a list so that I could really get to the heart of it.

  1. My parents have stepped in and flew here in my time of need--they witnessed a beautiful family event in the decision that Marianne made to get baptized. It was a day filled with bright hope and love. My mind has reflected on all the support and love of that day, and for all the help and support they have been to me over the week. Sometimes you just need your mom….and your dad!

  2. The mighty prayers from so many of you have strengthen me as I pull this heavy handcart of life. It is just as my pioneer ancestors who pulled their handcarts across the frozen ground of Wyoming in 1856. Many of them that made that trek west recorded in their journals that there were times as they pulled through the snow and cold that the handcarts were being pushed by angels. That is what I have felt from all my family and friends who have been praying for us. Miracles happen. I testify that they do. I’m still on the journey, but I have energy and strength to make it through another day.

  3. The changes that I have been blessed to see in my Marriage. Scott’s support and love for Garrett has melted away many hurts. Scott’s love for me and my first 5 children have been witnessed over and over again through this trial. It has brought us together in ways that have strengthened my heart.

  4. I strained my back on Sunday and have had to work all week through lower back muscle spasms. The pain and charley-horse cramps have been humbling. I have had to look over to my Savior and see Him carry the load for me. Yet I still had the strength to complete nearly a full week of work (with the exception of Wednesday afternoon--but I had 2 sick hours left so I was covered for the month).

  5. My daughters stayed focused on their goals of wanting to make it on the Hays High cheer squad, and to be the Barton cheer captain next year. They did it! They have something to look forward to next year, and in the ups and downs of March, they did it!

  6. Isaac had a successful Lifeguarding interview and was hired at $4 more ($12 total) an hour based on his experience and great report from his other Summer job. He is even excited to Stay in Texas over the summer and work because he can work year round now and earn money during his senior year! That is a HUGE blessing.

  7. The Dryer died! Wait… I thought I was counting blessings?? How can this be a blessing? In the challenging of running a house with so many and needed to complete 4 loads a day I needed to get some clothes lines hung up and rushed to the store. I completed my purchase and was running out to my Van when I found them. George and his wife (they are a deaf family in our ward--church). We had a discussion in which they shared their successes. They shared their love for thinking about life in a positive way. They shared their heart. They asked about my family, asked if they could add their prayers and offered to take all our clothing and dry it! (so sweet). I found myself fully understanding them and that my hands flew in responding to them. It was a night of the “gift of thumbs.”

  8. Isaac tried to get his Driver’s License, but when he arrived for the drivers test, we discovered a “slight” problem. We had done a parent taught course, and in TEXAS you must have lived in TEXAS for 3 years before you can teach the parent taught course. WHA?????? Wait, again, I thought you were counting blessings? Yes, well in this new challenge, I discovered that I had more grit and could solve this problem. That is a blessing to see that as more of “life” is piling up that I have the stamina to NOT quit, but to take some deep breaths and keep going. That is noteworthy.

  9. I was here to celebrate my dad’s special 75th birthday! It was a great day full of service and PIE! He loves our little pie shop in Kyle Texas and he bought a pie for each day of the week. We have enjoyed a lot of pie...but really it was great fun to see my dad. I’m very blessed to have my parents who are very much alive and full of life to help our family and to love us. Happy Birthday dad. This is one I will always treasure.

  10. Going off yesterday to the Beautiful Hill County of Texas to see the wildflowers, the green new of Spring, and the war museum brought a perspective to me. It was one of service. It was one of fighting for Kellis. As I looked at the 18-24 year olds 75 years ago who served their country, I saw that they went and served out of love, out of duty, out of faith. They were going to war. That is a huge risk, but they did it. They did not sherk the fight. They served. They served! This was powerful to me and I felt inspired to talk to Kellis again. Sometimes we get stuck on our “woe is me” pitty pot and the only thing that can get us out of ourselves is to serve others. I looked over to my Savior to see Him helping me talk to Kellis again and to deliver it with love. I felt a spark of real hope. That was wonderful. I will hold to that and see what happens. (And Garrett was able to cope with me being gone and took in the sunshine as well!).

  11. Garrett found his smile as we have had another medication adjustment. That has been a HUGE blessing. I have looked over at the Savior on this one to ask, can this be really happening? Can he find some happiness again? There has been even some discussion about school work and wanted to help others. WOW!

Hum….11 more pieces to add to my puzzle. 11 I would have overlooked. 11 days since Garrett has been home from the hospital---nice! 11 more hours till conference starts. I love the near 11 hours of Conference talks--the word of God pour out onto us from His Prophets and Apostles! I am going to sink into the hours of conference and find answers to my prayers. Now that is 11 hours I can wait for. hum...11 found pieces that help to build this masterpiece.’s like looking at two first place finishes--1 for the Savior, and 1 for me! Now that is a win.

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