How can Social Education help you? Have you ever had to tell a student NO before? Have you seen students crumble, whine, and cry over it? Or have you seen students struggle, cry, and meltdown because they lacked perspective?
For example, the student was told no, got the "wrong" snack, lost their pencil, or someone wouldn't play with them and then the tears and emergency behaviors start? Do you want to stop that from happening over and over again? Then Social Education Training is for you!
This training is the foundation of social education curriculum. I train teachers on how to support their students who demonstrate emergency behaviors or display difficulty interacting with peers or others during different settings and multiple times throughout the day. Teachers, administrators, and districts can purchase BASE books here!
These 18 lessons are intended to provide intensive support quickly and do not need to be taught in sequential order. The target skills in these lessons only require two days to teach, practice, coach, and assess, but may take up to a few weeks to master, based on the needs of the students. There is even a Home Connection for the parents with each lesson to maximize learning across a variety of settings!
BASE’s Foundation curriculum is structured as follows:
18 two-day lessons
1 skill per lesson
Visual character support (to be used when age appropriate)
Social story
Home connection newsletter to support learning across all settings
Coaching/Consulting for Social Education:
Social Education: BASE 2 full day training
Hourly rate for small groups (10 or less)
Group Rates for Larger Groups (11-30)
District Rates (30+)
Contact April to learn about hourly rates, small group pricing, and larger group pricing.
Jennifer Schafer writes: I have seen student progress using Social Education Training in all kinds of life-skill concepts including:
Identifying emotions
Taking turns while talking
Using appropriate body language and understanding body language
Accepting No
Following rules
Active listening
I recommend Social Education for any classroom with students who need social skills!
BASE curriculum has immensely impacted how I do social skills within the classroom. It is really the foundation of the whole class. It is laid out so fluently, it takes minor prep time to get the lessons together. I appreciate that each lesson is set up similar and each lesson includes a video with examples and non-examples that really catch the student’s attention. This is my first year teaching and I have used it consistently every day and will continue to use it in the future years.
---Alexi Studer Cassia County ID