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Writer's pictureApril Tribe Giauque

Five Reasons You Need a Ghostwriter

By April Tribe Giauque

5 Reasons you need a Ghostwriter

#1 - OUT Of TIME

You have a fantastic story, but you are out of time to write anything because you are an amazing business owner/entrepreneur/speaker/etc. You share the story on the stage or in person a hundred times, but when you sit down to write, the words for your book just won’t come. You might be a brilliant entrepreneur with a STORY that the world MUST HEAR, but you have been writing for nearly five years, and that book is only in chapter two.

You know people will want your story, but who will really READ it?

WHOA! I see a lot of hands and head-nodding going on here. Yes. when it comes down to things like this you really need to trust your writer to capture your voice and many sure that they are creating what you need them to do.

#2 - Who is Your Who?

For anyone who is going to write a book (whether you hire a Ghostwriter or not), you’ll need to know your “who.”

Who will the book go to?

Who are your readers?

So, this needs to be loud and clear for the ghostwriter so that they can be thinking about them during the writing process so that they know how to connect your stories with future readers.

Now while they are doing that, you are not off the hook. You will need to build your audience to see who will connect with your message before doing all the work. I hope you know who your people are. And please don’t say something like “female, in her 30’s who is a stay-at-home mom.” It’s too general. My good friend Jim Edwards says, “If you aim for everyone, you’ll hit no one.” Your goal is to find your one!

Check out something like this:

JZ Smith aspiring author: She is a business owner who runs a consulting business full time, has amazing wisdom, experience, and information, and DESIRE to write a book. However, she is out of TIME, and she is not a writer. She needs a ghostwriter, and so I write books for her.

Can you see how being more specific can help? Ok, moving on.

#3 Marketing

My friend meets thousands of people and they always tell him, that selling, “seems sleazy and so just yuck.” Ok, ok. Those types of salespeople sell things, but that’s not you. What are you doing? You are writing a book. Why are you writing a book? To help solve a problem or serve someone, right? Even if you are writing fiction. You are writing to connect with someone and to have that person fall in love with your book so that they will buy it, and tell others to buy it, and so forth.

Is that sleazy? Nope. It is called serving others by helping to solve their pain points with real solutions. Again this can be fiction, non-fiction, etc. Think about it. Harry Potter was a story about a fictional place with fictional events, but with darkness, light, and hope that millions connected with and helped them to feel healing, connection, or escape.

So, yes, find your market and go for it. Put a plan together and get things ready while your ghostwriter is writing. Marketing must be happening from the word go. (If you need supports, I offer copywriting supports in that, and you will be the one to drive it).

#4 - Wordsmiths!

Ghostwriters take your story into their heads, deep in their hearts, and out through their hands to make you a more significant impact, influence, and income in the world. Your book should focus on the story. Even if you need it to come from a place of pain, it should still offer supports and resolutions to that the story will help others.

Ghostwriters capture your story with your VOICE. I think of it as acting with words instead of a stage. I take on your persona and think about how you are saying things in your interview to make sure that your voice is coming through.

WARNING—-- It is a vulnerable process. Sometimes you share the deepest secrets and other times the toughest pain, but deep in the heart of the book is the story. My job is to make sure that I capture the story and bring that light and love to your reader.

Don't worry! You are working with a professional. It is a risk to share your throughs and ideas permanently, but the results are priceless!

#5 - What Is the Ghostwriting Process?

This is a general overview of my personal process, and no, I’m not going to reveal everything; but I will share the general idea so that you know what takes place in the writing process.

  1. We Find our WHO is your READER?

  2. OUTLINE the structure (of the book--unique, stands out, use of story and dialogue and not just narration!).

  3. Interviews, interviews, and interviews! I want to capture you: your voice, story, movement, and product. This is 8-12 weeks or up to 20 weeks for fiction. Basically, I interview, I write, I read you the story to that point, add your feedback and then interview the week and start the process until I have an 80% written book.

  4. Research, research, and research to give supports, supplements, and credibility to your words.

  5. Write, write, write

  6. Three times the charm that way, we have worked a manuscript to its near perfection.

I can direct you to editors, interior layout, book cover, and publisher.

So, what’s the point of all this as far as Entrepreneurs Business owners are concerned?


  1. If you are out of time then you need to: Hire a Ghostwriter!

  2. Who is Your Who?

  3. Marketing

  4. You hired your Ghostwriter to Wordsmith for you.

  5. What is the Ghostwriting process?

`To recap, I'm April Tribe Giauque. I ghostwrite your books so you can have a more significant impact, influence, and income with whom you serve. My goal is to have your book sound and feel like you. It is your story, and it needs to be shared with the world; and through my head, heart and hands it comes.

If any of this resonates with you, here is my portion of my writing portfolio, and here is the link for a 30-minute chat to see if we are a good fit.

Forever Shining,


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