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Pivot Point: What if You Found The Secret to Everything?

Beacon of Light Favorite Things!


A small word, home evokes various emotions and mental pictures from person to person. Home is not only the place you find shelter or the place on the map you’ve come from. Home is also a deep feeling of contentment and belonging. There are many threats to our sense of home, however.

Sometimes our past hurts become today’s struggles, as we hang onto pain and bitterness, not knowing how to move forward in a healthy way. The junk we try to push down comes squishing out the sides, affecting our home-life and those we love. We get trapped in a cycle of wrong thinking and lies about who we really are and who we can become. Years ago, I was in a dark place, even though I was a long-time Christian.

The only thing I knew was that I didn’t know anything at all. I prayed for God to help me understand Him. As I did, something strange began to take place. I realized I was beginning to understand the nature of God more fully. As my understanding grew, I noticed He was healing the broken places. I saw the depths of God’s love revealed in new ways.

Here are a Few Things I Learned

Here are a few things I learned—explained in greater detail in my book, “Pivot Point/ What if You Found The Secret to Everything?”:

P: Our Perception, which is sometimes referred to as “our truth”, can be skewed by abuse, betrayal, and other wounds. God’s Perspective, which is actual truth frees us to live abundantly and at peace with ourselves and others.

I: Our Ideology—or the world we long for—can be based on a mirage of false assumptions or expectations. If we are followers of Jesus Christ, we find our identity with Him. He becomes our home. He’s our person. It’s this realization and application that transforms us.

V: Our Vision for the future must always be filtered through our most deeply held values. Decisions and future plans are much easier made when we can answer “no thank you” to what may be a good thing, but ultimately doesn’t fit our values. This is when we can say “YES and Amen” to the best God has planned for us.

O: Our ability to overcome life’s hurts, guilt, shame, and feelings of unworthiness is not only directly related to our willingness to Pivot but also in the act of praising God. Let’s make our words, our prayers, our singing—our life as a whole, an Ovation to the Lord. Watch and see if healing doesn’t begin to wash over you! It will!

T: Our freedom is rooted in the Truth of who Jesus is and who we are in Him. No longer are we oppressed by life’s many struggles and hurts. We experience them but we are free from the burden of it. We can know and understand who we are and where our home is. This leads to Transformation.

When and how do we start?

The minute we choose to make a Pivot (turning away from our old ways of dealing with life), stepping into a new life, transformed and free to be who we’ve been created to be! This is how we can go out to the world, giving the love and grace we’ve received, pointing the way Home for others as we do—because changed lives, change lives. Have I arrived? Have I acquired what I prescribe?

As Paul said centuries ago.

“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14 (ESV)

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 (ESV), Amen.

Lori A Thompson

Is an author, coach, artist, and DFY creator who helps women of faith live encouraged, equipped, and empowered, as they step boldly into the calling God has on their lives.

I work with Christian Women who would like to live as victors over life's many hurts and challenges. They want fresh encouragement and practical help on how to stop cycling the same negative messages in their heads so they can live a life of purpose and meaning free from their past.

She is the author of Pivot Point.

She is also the creator of the following planers: To get one, contact Lori through email:

I'm so thrilled for you! You've taken a bold step to be intentional in your faith-walk and your creative journey with the Lord and in your business—whether it's building something bigger, or just starting out the gate. This is an interactive planner and is meant to help you keep all the parts and pieces that swirl around in your head, cohesive. We creatives need that glue to pull it all together, don't we? In addition, you'll find pages that help you to keep your relationship with the Lord in focus. Here is what you will find inside: Aside from a Calendar with a section for notes (so you can have an overview of the month), here's what you will find in each month’s section: 1. Special Events—to remind you and jot down events “to-do’s” 2. “Sticky Notes”—to remind you not to forget... 3. In The Word—to write down your weekly Bible verses. It helps with memorization. 4. Holy Spirit Leading—You prayers, praises, and special notes between you and God. 5. Weekly Planner Pages 6. “Live” Notes—so you can jot down the highlights from Zoom or FB Lives. 7. Project Planner—for all the juicy, creative things you’re going to do! 8. Sketch Box—for mind-mapping, doodling, and getting that creativity going! 9. Grid Paper—to layout your awesome ideas and designs! 10. A year-end celebration page to reflect and praise the Lord for all He's done in your life and faith over the past year.

More planners. Send me an email to get yours today!

CHECK out the BROADCAST TONIGHT! 11/22/2021 at 6:30 pm Mountian

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