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The F6 Formula and Why It Matters

Beacon of Light Favorite Things


Pain is an inevitable part of life, and no one can escape it. Most men endure far more than is necessary, but why? We men are told at an early age to bottle up our feelings and hide our emotions.

This is how I lived for more than 40 years and was a significant reason for my divorce. I knew to get better and prevent this kind of devastation from happening again; I had to address my numerous issues …

I had to work through my pain. Working through my pain involved allowed me to identify six significant areas I needed to work on (faith, fashion, fitness, food, friendship, and fun). Once I worked through my pain, I realized there was more - a purpose to my pain. The phrase “Redeem Your Pain” kept going through my mind repeatedly until I figured out what to do. I had to take what I learned from my pain and help other men to have healthy relationships and save their marriages.


My pain ultimately led to my platform - my podcast called Relationships & Revenue. The whole purpose of the podcast is to help men improve their most significant relationships at home to improve their business relationships. To do that, I came up with a framework. It’s called The F6 Formula. I live in the midwest, where we deal with tornadoes.

Tornadoes are classified with an F rating (F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5) - the higher the number, the greater the destruction. A relatively new classification is the F6; it is rare, and the rating reflects the utter devastation it brings. This is EXACTLY what happens to men when the six areas of The F6 Formula are out of whack, and it is why I call it The F6 Formula.

The F6 Formula

The six pillars of the F6 Formula are - Faith, Fashion, Fitness, Food, Friendship, Fun. They are the six areas of a man’s life that become misaligned over time (especially after marriage). I cover all six of the pillars as an overview in this episode. I go more in-depth into each of the six pillars in six separate episodes (

On Relationships & Revenue, I share my personal life experiences and my guests in becoming a better and more successful man, leader, and business owner. Together, we break down the core tenets of what it means to be successful both in personal and business relationships.


Going back to the pain, I realized that the change that I went through was meant to be shared. It was not meant solely for me, but for the people around me who are going through pain themselves. Growth through trials and challenges in life isn’t meant for our improvement alone - it is meant to be shared. This is one of the main reasons I created the podcast. Men, most of us don’t realize how often we fail in these six areas. But once we figure it out, we can do something about it - we don’t have to add to the statistics.


Our success as men depends on how we handle these six pillars. My purpose is to help men realize their potential and discover who they were meant to be. Reviving marriages, improving family relationships, and living lives of bold generosity are commonplace when working with me, and it’s all part of The F6 Formula. If this resonates with you, I suggest you apply for my next mastermind group in January 2022.


Who should join the mastermind group? It’s for men who want to connect better with those closest to them (spouse, kids, family, friends, clients, coworkers), grow personally and professionally, network with other like-minded men, and desire accountability.

The group will last a minimum of 6 months (more likely 12 months) and meet twice a month for 1-1.5 hours on Zoom. We take a deep dive into each of the six pillars of the F6 Formula, providing actionable steps, and each participant will have an accountability partner.

Expect phenomenal growth in these areas if you put in the work! So if you’re a man who desires authenticity, is committed to growth, and is willing to listen and serve others, then this is for you!

John Hulen is a certified coach, speaker, voiceover artist, and podcast host.

John is a father of three, has been an entrepreneur for 20 years, and has started multiple businesses. The Relationships & Revenue Podcast is available on all podcasting platforms.

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