Guest Blog Iuvina Basile
Ever wonder what God thinks about insecurities?
How does He feel about the negative self-talk that is brought on by insecurities caused by trauma?
Yeah, I didn’t either until he gave me a specific understanding in May 2018.
God has a secret, and when you find it...insecurity melts away.
His ways are not my ways; His thoughts are not my thoughts One of the most accurate statements ever made. After all, why would a perfect God choose a scared, insecure woman who didn’t like herself, let alone love herself, to write a book about trauma, insecurities, His love, and the spiritual warfare behind it all?
And so, I became Jonah—in the belly of the beast of rebellion, running away from the calling due to fear, pain, self-hate, and every emotion in between.
Until I stopped running, dropped to my knees, and surrendered. At that moment, I began to heal from the very trauma I was scared to face. What is the number one way to overcome insecurity? Turn to God. He is the only way, and he will walk with you through your journey. I know that seems too simple, but the truth is often just simple. Now, it's not always easy, but it is that simple.
Today I know who and whose I am. I know how to walk in victory and embrace God’s love. Trauma doesn’t control me; low-self esteem no longer dictates my life.
God took me on a healing journey, growing my faith and walking in victory. The enemy and his plan have failed. I have found freedom from trauma and self-hate, and I know with God you can too.
The takeaways
Identify your Trauma
Understand God’s love for you
Know you, enemy
Walk in Victory
After all, beloved, we are Abba’s Little Princesses.
Join us Tuesday, September 2oth at 6:30 pm Mountain Time for an incredible interview.