By Dr. Vicki L. Otaruyina

If I were to tell you that your loss is a power that unleashes your great purpose, would you believe me?
I have experienced a few losses over the course of my life. Some are greater than others, and some have plunged me into great pain, but if it wasn’t for the losses, the great woman you see today and still are becoming would not have been revealed.
You see, in each experience of loss, I didn’t know I had what it takes to overcome, but when I shifted my thinking to allow the loss not to hold me down, loss became an opportunity for growth.
Think about it from the perspective of Jesus dying on the cross. If he didn’t die, we would not have a savior to run to and who could forgive our sins. So he had to lose His life for me to be saved. So there is indeed value in loss.
Whether you have lost a child like I did, a job, a business, a loved one, an investment, a friendship, or even a marriage...I want to declare to you today that no loss can ever hold you down.
Are you ready to find out how to use loss as the catalyst that propels you to discover your greatness?
My job is to share three powerful truths about the power of loss that once embraced and implemented into your belief system, will cause you to experience a significant shift in every situation of loss.
Powerful Truth #1: Loss Is A Growth Opportunity
There comes a time when you must get up and out of your situations of pain and disappointment and whatever else comes along with pain because the hard places are there to train you for the great purpose ahead.
So you ask yourself? What is the purpose of my pain? How can I use this pain to become the best version of myself?
With these questions, you are analyzing the situation of the loss in order to determine what it is that you need to do in order to get out of that place and be better able to handle similar situations if or when they arise again.
Let’s look at it this way as an example: if God calls you as a business owner and your business has failed because of bad investments, it doesn't mean that you are a failure. What it means is that you must take a close look at everything which led up to the loss and develop a plan or strategy for doing things better the next time so that you can be a more effective business owner.
The loss is merely the checkpoint that really causes you to stop, assess, develop and move on to be greater at what you are called to do.
Just imagine being a successful business owner who comes out on top in every situation and is able to soar on every future occasion of possible loss because you were determined the first time around to take the route of seeing the loss as an opportunity to make yourself better and unleash the best version of the business owner in you. That person is you!
Powerful Truth #2 - Loss Opens You Up To Purpose Discovery
Some of you are looking to let go of that marriage, friendship or relationship that is really no good for you. If this is how you are being led, just let go. The loss will hurt but you will be plunged into a journey of purpose discovery.
Here’s how this happened: Following the loss of my baby in 2007, six years after came the loss of my relationship of 12 years. I had grown through the pain of child loss, and I learned alot about myself as I got a grasp on healing strategies learned from sermons and talks, which kept me motivated.
Then I came to a point where I realized I was settling. I was not in a relationship that was helping me to discover the best version of Vicki. The end of the relationship plunged me into a place of pain but at the same time, I realized that the pain was necessary.
In that moment, I sought to discover the real me; I had moved away from the noise and came into a quiet place where I could focus on allowing God to reveal my gifts, my talents, my abilities so that I could be the best version of myself as a minister and also a future wife.
In the midst, I realized that I was worth more than I ever knew as I realized my purpose as an author for single men and women. I discovered that I was not only called to write but spending so much time in my single season preparing myself with various tools, I realized that I was called as a speaker. The charity owner was revealed and the new ideas for businesses were revealed.
This brings me to the third powerful truth...
Powerful Truth #3 - Loss Is Not About You, It Creates A Template Of Transformation For Others
There is a book inside of you that must come out of the losses you have experienced. There is a story to be told, a coaching business to be developed, a course to be developed or a masterclass to be done. There would be no experience or teaching lesson to share if the loss does not take place.
If it wasn't for the loss of my child and my relationship, I would not have discovered the 9 books I have written, the coach in me designed to help women overcome many situations of hurt and soar on purpose for God.
Not only are you transformed by loss but your life becomes a template for others as you overcome.
In my book, LIVE And Not Die, starts with a loss of a child to stillbirth but ends with the pursuit toward divine purpose in God.
Destined to LIVE And Not Die, the author speaks about her determination to not allow the stress, emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual pain kill her. I had knowledge of God from a child, so she believed that He would not have allowed it just because; there had to be a greater purpose.
I believed that though this grave thing every occurred, she could more than overcome it through Christ. I grew up in church but did not know God, so she decided on one Good Friday to commit it all into the hands of God. She knew that Jesus loved her, but, was now determined to experience this love and receive the healing that the word of God says that He can give.
Regis Murayi says: “Part of being a person is about helping others.”
The truth is: Your Loss Is Not The End’ It’s Just The Beginning of Discovering Your Purpose. That’s why you have to take the transformational story that is developed through the loss and share with others.
God would never allow you to go through a situation to keep the template of victory to yourself. Not only can you use it to overcome similar situations but God calls each and every one she of us to help someone else in their journey. You have what it takes to help someone else unleash the greatness inside them by telling them your story of victory.
JOIN US TUESDAY JULY 18, 2023, on the Beacon of Light Podcast to hear more about how you can overcome loss!
