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Writer's pictureApril Tribe Giauque

Why does Copywriting Help You to Sell More Books?

By April Tribe Giauque

Some of you might wonder, what do copywriting and writing a book have to do with each other? How about this: BOOK SALES! Why does copywriting help you sell more books? This is a story of a Copywriting and a writer and how they met!

How did they meet?

Ok, ok, you all have the question, “How did April meet Jim?”

Let me tell you a quick story.

I was part of an author group, and I had purchased Author Wizards (like in my stroy from yesterday); I went to work playing with it. I went from 12-15 people seeing my post to 400-900 people with nearly every position. What the??

Apparently, Jim’s Copywriting software really worked! So, in my cheerleading-amplification fashion, I had to tell everyone!

Soon people were noticing, and when they asked me the secret, all I could talk about was the software. However, many people were like, “oh yeah, that software. Well, I bought it but couldn’t make it fit my message—it just didn’t work for me.”

Longe stroy short, Jim noticed my work with his software. He asked me to be a coaching call with Dexter Godfrey and show the author group what it can do.

It was incredible to be coached by Jim LIVE in a group of like 2,000 and, in the end, still use everything he taught me. I could recognize when I needed copywriting and which topic in the software to use. (That's why I had to post the cool Picture again).

My Beacon of Light Writing Services business took off, and my numbers on social media also started to get noticed.

Thanks, Dexter!

Forward to 18 months later. Dexter Godfrey contacted me asking me to do some writing projects for Jim Edwards, and I have enjoyed working with him ever since—he is a master of his Copywriting art and a great man.

Jim and I work on different projects, and I love getting those 5:00 am zoom calls (I’m in Idaho, and he’s on the east coast, so yeah). But seriously, I do! I’m up anyway at 3:28 am writing, so it’s all great.

I love working with him, and the growth is unbelievable. I feel like my brain gets the best workout of its life. (Side note—I think Jim might be the reason I won’t get dementia because of all the brain power that happens…but I digress).

I got a nudge to ask Jim Edwards to be on my Beacon of Light Podcast. At first, I giggled out loud! I was like, “No way! He is too busy; He is bigger than life; he's like swamped earning 8-figures!” But the nudge prompted a second time.

So I wrote to him and made the ask! (Who am I kidding?? I wrote and rewrote that email seven times before I just said, “Junk it! I’m sending it!” Click and off to Jim’s email it went. Along with a heartfelt thank you and prayer.

Jim replied within minutes and said, “sure!” I went from unsure and regretful to laughing out loud, again! Really? That’s it? Is that easy? Holy CATS!! My gratitude meter shot upward in thankful prayer for like 5 minutes. It was just so cool to follow the prompting. Heavenly Father knows everything–even the tender mercies of our hearts.

Ok, enough storytelling.

July 19th at noon MDT Jim is here to help you, all of you authors, to SELL MORE BOOKS!

Guys, I totally know that is what you need.

Jim’s book Copywriting Secrets has sold over 85,000 copies around the world! Oh, and by the way, this is a self-published book, and here is a free copy for you. Get your copy and join the conversation on July 19th. Come prepared with questions!

In fact, I challenge you to list them on the Beacon of Light Podcast group.

This is going to be a summer afternoon to remember!

As always, keep supporting and amplifying others.

By the way, you can do that by hitting the subscribe button on my youtube channel and sharing this and other podcasts with fellow authors. I am always looking for authors who write stories of hope!

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