Written by April T Giauque
Elder David Buckner Oct 2024
We Are His Friends
Loving others, trusting others, caring for others, how do we do this in a world so divided and ticky? The answer? Do as the Savior did. Elder David L Buckner shared his thoughts about three key points to becoming one with the Savior:
We are His friends
We are one in Him
We belong to Him
Elder Buckner said
“In a world filled with contention and division, where civil discourse has been replaced with judgment and scorn, and friendships are defined by -isms and -ites, I have come to know that there is a clear, simple, and divine example we can look to for unity, love, and belonging. That example is Jesus Christ. I testify that He is the great unifier.”
If we look back in Church history, in 1832, the Church became more visible and had more troubles. They were odd and peculiar people, which felt threatening and strange for many. When that turns to fear, the results can be persecution of the saints. However, the Lord comforted them, addressing the Saints three times with two powerful words: “My friends.”
Jesus Christ has long called His faithful followers His friends. Elder Buckner shows us that over fourteen times in the Doctrine and Covenants, the Savior uses the term friend to define a sacred and cherished relationship. I want to be friends with Jesus. I know I can as I follow him.
Here are some main ways that the Savior teaches us this concept:
He taught that “greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
And “ye are they whom my Father hath given me; ye are my friends.
The Savior numbers each of us and watches over us. This watch care is not trivial or insignificant. Rather, it is exalting, elevating, and eternal.
“That we may be one.”
“Come, follow me.”
When we actively follow Him, the joy of the Lord is ours through friendship.
We are One with Him
Jesus drew upon the gifts and individual attributes of a diverse group of followers. He called these men His Apostles. What is so interesting is that if we really follow it as an example in our lives, we should have diverse friends in many areas so we can learn from them, and they can learn from us. Look at who the Savior called. He called fishermen, zealots, brothers known for their thunderous personalities, and even a tax collector. They were unified in Christ. So should we.
Personal Story
Elder Buckner shares a quick personal story about raising his family in New York City. They learned to develop friendships with neighbors, school friends, business associates, faith leaders, and fellow Saints.
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit their city, there were no public gatherings. A group of religious leaders met virtually to discuss what would be needed, and as they came together as one, they found no differences as they looked heavenward for answers. They prayed and prayed to know how to help each other and the congregations they served. They came together as one voice. They learned they have more in common than differences.
The experience changed Elder Buckner, and pleads with us, “Brothers and sisters, we must stop looking for reasons to divide and instead seek opportunities to “be one.” The Lord has blessed us with unique gifts and attributes that invite learning from one another and personal growth. Remember that Satan wants to divide and conquer you because that destroys friendships, families, and faith—only the Savior unites.
We Belong to Him
All of us are born with a desire to belong and to be loved. We search each day for this sense of belonging. Elder Buckner reminds us that If we focus on Christ, we can feel we belong. We have signs on our churches that say all are welcome and invited. Do we warmly welcome all who come through the doors?
Know that it is not enough to just “be.” We need to act. Remember what Elder Kearon shared with us on Monday? “Welcome to the Church of Joy.” We must heed the Savior’s call to build higher and holier relationships with all of God’s children. We must live our faith!
I agree with Elder Buckner that the church is a place of gathering, recovery, repair, and refocus. As President Russell M. Nelson has taught:
“The gospel net is the largest net in the world. God has invited all to come unto Him. … There is room for everyone.”
I desire to help my fellow humans to know Jesus. I pray that these blogs, podcasts, and how I live my life can testify to my friends and co-workers to “Come and Follow Him. Elder Buckner testifies, “I testify that the Savior Jesus Christ is the great unifier in a contentious and divided world. May I invite each of us to be worthy of the Savior’s invitation to “be one” and to boldly declare, as He did boldly, “Ye are my friends.”
Check out the LIVE Beacon of Light Podcast From the Pulpit on Thursday, December 26, at 6:30 p.m.
Come check out all the resources about Elder Buckner for free here: